Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Me..MySeLf n I asyik ngata ak je dr blakang..ak pn keep wondering dr mne la cte ni dtg..ntah btol ke x ape dorg cte ak pn x taw...kalo yg btol tu..kre ngumpat la..n kalo x means tu fitnah la..ak x kate pn ak ni baik sgt..jauh skali nk kate ak perfect...well, u see..insan bername Naquib ni sgt la direct orgnye..kdg2 ak x pk pn prasaan org..tu la kelemahan ak..haha..pnah dlu ak tnye sorg dak lesbian ni..npe die jd lesbian sume..ak interview gle2..n somehow die trase ati kot..then dr jauh ni ak dgr la die jaja cte ak tnye2 sal die lesbian..yela, somehow ak already crossed d line la kot..hahaha..then sampai skang, ak x pndang pn mke die n die pn x pndang muke ak..huhu..ak x dendam pn..mmg salah ak tnye gtu..mntak maaf la sgt2 pd die tu..mmm..

Bile Ex gud Fren Jhat MuluT

ak pelik tol la..ape masalah sorg minah ni smpai nk ngata2 ak..dpan ak pijak semut x mati..sampai la org cakap die ni ade ngata ak..ak pn pelik la..sejak first2 kawan lg ak da taw da die ni jahat mulut..kwan die pakai tudung rmbut beruban pn cakap kat ak..then org tu gni la, gtu la, mak ai..ko x sedar ke ko tu x hebat mne pn?? last2 ak plak yg kne..npe la..adoiii...g surau smbahyang tp x de keinsafan..another thing perlu ke cakap "sape kawan ngan ak, xkn fail pnye" lord..enuf bout her....ak da muak fucking hate u..and frens around u too

On ThIs NaqUib Guy

for those who dunno me..dun judge me based on what people said bout me..if u cannot go on with me u can juz fuck off and leave me alone..i hate my high school a lot, and some of those nerds made my life difficult and it was juz a nightmare that i have to bare..but i have to thank u all...coz it made me a good and mature person..n now i enjoy myself as much..:)

well u a idiot sometimes..i like to speak out loud if there's something wrong and i dun like a pervert...hahha...some of my frens said so..but its up to u to think bout it and u can evaluate it happy go lucky kind of guy..dun like people to tell me what to do and what i shouldnt do....i have a good sense of x sume pn leh layan...ak benci dak skema yg bajet bgus..mgkin ko blaja bgus tp x smestinye ko lg bgus dr ak..dak2 bru nk up n poyo2 ak nyampah..hahaha...ak da alami time skula dulu..mmg cam bodo je ak isap rokok, die nk gak...adoiii...hahaha...well, thats what my frens used to do and poyo2 wif me..even when i dunno how to play music instruments my frens laughed at else can u say.. lastly, im kinda open minded person, u can be my frens if u want to..but dun talk bout me when u cannot go on with kind of fun guy..n i can be a gud fren of yours if u sincere enuf...enuf signing off....peace~

p/s: jgn la nk tunjuk bgus kat ak..pdahal ko bese je n jgn la besarkan menda kecik coz leh wat gdo je nnt...

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